About Us
Cardrew Court school is an exciting development of a new independent special school in Cornwall which opened September 2024.
Cardrew Court School provides educational opportunities for pupils KS2 – KS4.
All pupils attending CCS will have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outlining their Special Educational Needs – which will include high anxiety, social and emotional mental health needs and autism.
Many of these pupils will have found life in a mainstream school very challenging and will have experience of anxiety-based school refusal and/or of short-term placements in a range of alternative provisions.
Cardrew Court School provides pupils with a permanent placement in a school that is able to personalise the curriculum and wider support offer to ensure that their specific special educational needs (education, health and care) are understood and met, enabling them to learn, apply and develop specific strategies to facilitate them in participating in learning and preparing for life beyond school.
Cardrew Court School can provide accreditation pathways that support pupils who may have spiky learning profiles to make academic progress as well as benefit from the therapeutically informed programmes.
Through collaboration, co-operation, and creativity - underpinned by an ethos built on inclusivity, empowerment, and transparency - we aim to inspire every single young person (as well as their families and our staff) to be the very best version of themselves.
We do this through an ambitious curriculum that goes beyond school life and focusses on living as well as learning. We step outside the comfort zone when it’s needed, we care more than people think is needed or necessary, and we genuinely want to improve the lives and experiences of our learners.
We dare to be different, we have courage in our convictions, and we strive every single day to draw the best out of everything and everyone in our community.