Cardrew Court School & the SPT
Cardrew Court School is fully supported by the Special Partnership Trust (SPT) and is one of the few examples in the country of an independent school being partnered with a multi-academy trust.
The SPT is a specialist educational trust on a journey to raise the bar and set new standards for Special Educational Needs (SEN) throughout the South West. Through collaboration, co-operation, and creativity - underpinned by an ethos built on inclusivity, empowerment, and transparency - the SPT aims to inspire every single young person (as well as their families and our staff) to be the very best version of themselves they possibly can. The SPT does this through an ambitious, specialist curriculum that goes beyond school life and focusses on living as well as learning.
The Special Partnership Trust and Blockworks Group shared values: Why work together?
The Special Partnership Trust (SPT) works to support Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs in their locality to access specialist high quality provision across Cornwall and Devon. The Trust, in developing professional networks, has established a school improvement partnership with a proactive agile, and engaged organisation - Blockworks. The Directors, Jim and Jeff Jenner share our views on quality standard and access to, and investment in specialist services. This is highlighted in their ongoing investment in both KinderKare and Central Southern Childrens Homes.
At this time, the SEN provision map in Cornwall utilises the development of high quality specialised independent provision to meet those needs that cannot be met in the existing SPT schools and wider LA networks. The development of this unique partnership ensures that this independent provider is supported by a specialist, high-quality, robust Trust with a clear focus on enhancing provision for SEN pupils in Cornwall and Devon.
We have worked successfully together to support the development and improvement of an Independent SEN school in Exeter.
The Trust has reviewed is visions and values to ensure that this partnership with the Independent Sector is reflected in our ethos and adds value to our existing offer for pupils. Our focus is high quality access to, and investment in SEND. Blockworks bring those qualities with a wealth of experience in developing children and young people settings across Cornwall, and access to timely capital financing and services that cannot be accessed by traditional methods. We are delighted to be exploring different ways of operating to achieve better outcomes for children, young people and their families. We would welcome further conversation on the strength of the partnership and the value that this unique model adds to delivering outcomes for children and young people in Cornwall and Devon.
Download the PDF below for an in-depth look at how the SPT will support Cardrew Court School.
The SPT Difference
Pioneering excellence
We work tirelessly to create better tomorrows for our young people and their families.
Opening eyes. Broadening horizons.
Our goal is to prepare young people for the next step, whatever that step may be.
A life to be lived
Inspiring young people to be the very best versions of themselves.
Collaboration. Co-operation. Creativity.
An ambitious, specialist curriculum focused on learning and living.
Dare to be different
We strive every single day to draw the best out of everything and everyone in our community.
Stand out from the crowd
Opening up life-changing opportunities for young people.