Cognition & Learning: The Core Curriculum
Cardrew Court School follows the National Curriculum where possible and adapts it to give learners all the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We offer a curriculum that promotes reading, communication, independence, resilience and self-help skills including ways to support their own positive wellbeing.
The curriculum is organised thematically where appropriate until Key Stage 4 where accreditation pathways are followed which often does not allow flexibility in the same way as in previous years to follow the thematic teaching.
We provide an accreditation pathway for all of our learners. We offer a core curriculum of 5 GCSE’s: English Language, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. This is supplemented where appropriate in relation to learners’ future aspirations. This may include art, ICT, history and geography. We also offer alternative accreditations including Functional Skills, Entry-Level and BTEC’s. Learners may follow a combination of the accreditations to suit their strengths and future aspirations. We also offer a range of ASDAN qualifications. All learners follow BTEC level 1 and 2 Home Cooking.
We recognise that every child is unique and has been on an individual learning journey and our curriculum is personalised to match needs, aspirations and goals for the future.
All our learners have an EHCP with a range of learning needs, predominantly anxiety, communication and interaction needs, sensory needs and Autism.
Curriculum Intent
At Cardrew Court School we aim to provide a safe, positive learning environment where our learners feel they belong, can believe in themselves, developing confidence and resilience as learners. We support them to achieve the desired outcomes to be successful in their next steps on the path to the world of work and independence, well-prepared for life and adulthood, who are keen to make a difference to the world they live in.
Cardrew Court School curriculum prepares pupils to become confident learners who can access further education, join the world of work and/or actively participate in society and their community.
Cardrew Court School delivers the curriculum in a safe, nurturing, and warm environment to ensure pupils with high anxiety and communication and interaction needs can confidently engage in their learning.
Curriculum Implementation
The Curriculum at Cardrew Court School is implemented through defined accreditation pathways delivered within an enhanced resource provision to pupils with Education Health Care Plans. Personalised accreditation planning ensures pupils can access the appropriate level and number of accredited qualifications.
Curriculum Impact
Cardrew Court School prepares confident learners who are ready and equipped to apply their learning in range of settings beyond school life.
They have the relevant qualifications and personal skills to support them in the next steps in preparing for adulthood.