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The Core Offer

Once at capacity, our core class model will be based on having up to eight pupils with a teacher and teaching assistant, supported by curriculum leads and a multidisciplinary team.

Cardrew Court School will follow the National Curriculum where at all possible, using this as an aspirational baseline, whilst also offering spiral curriculum pathways that allow for individual, small step success the moment a pupil starts at the school.

Our Curriculum will adapt and enhance to give learners the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We will provide a curriculum that promotes reading, communication, independence, resilience, and self-help skills including ways to support their own positive wellbeing. We support pupils in effectively accessing the curriculum by ensuring EHCP outcomes are fully implemented into the pupil offer – and that the provision includes high quality, therapeutically informed practice to meet pupil need.

Curriculum Intent 

Cardrew Court curriculum promotes pupil's spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. Our curriculum prepares pupils to become confident learners who can access further education, join the world of work, and actively participate in society and their community. 

Curriculum Implementation 

The Curriculum at Cardrew Court School is implemented through defined accreditation pathways delivered within an enhanced resource provision to pupils with Education Health Care Plans. Personalised accreditation planning ensures pupils can access the appropriate level and number of accredited qualifications suitable and relevant to them and their individual needs, allowing all pupils to experience success whilst providing suitable learning challenge.

Cardrew Court School curriculum includes an accredited Outdoor Education and Vocational Food qualification offer.

Cardrew Court School delivers the curriculum in a safe, nurturing, and calm environment to ensure pupils with high anxiety and communication and interaction needs can confidently engage in their learning. 

Curriculum Impact

Cardrew Court School prepares confident learners who are ready and equipped to apply their learning in range of settings beyond school life.